KAIST offers a simple yet generous scholarship program specifically designed for international students. The KAIST Scholarship covers full tuition fees and provides stipends, benefiting 94% of our international student body. This support is often complemented by research opportunities, enabling most students to achieve financial self-sufficiency and minimize their dependence on external funding. This comprehensive financial aid allows students to focus entirely on their academic and research endeavors, fostering a deeply immersive and enriching educational experience.


This comprehensive financial aid enables students to concentrate fully on their academic and research pursuits, facilitating a more immersive and enriching educational experience.


  • Departments Accepting Applications: All departments (except the Global Technology Innovation Program (GDI-GTIP Track)).
  • Admission Periods: Spring/Fall Early/Fall Regular
  • Eligibility Requirements: Open to international applicants for KAIST graduate programs
  • Benefits: Full tuition coverage, national health insurance, and a monthly stipend (dependent on research involvement)
  • Details: Select the KAIST scholarship option in your application. If eligible, accepted candidates will automatically be considered for the KGPS, KPS, or KAIST CoE PhD Fellowship.
  • Remarks: The stipend amount may vary depending on individual colleges. For the College of Engineering, find more details about the stipend support they offer at  https://engineering.kaist.ac.kr/content?menu=142.


International applicants who select the KAIST scholarship as their financial resource during the admission application process will be automatically considered for the following scholarship programs, based on their chosen degree program or major.


KAIST Global Presidential Scholarship (KGPS)

  • Departments Accepting Applications: All departments( except the Global Technology Innovation Program (GDI-GTIP Track)).
  • Admission Periods: Spring/Fall Early/Fall Regular
  • Eligibility Requirements: Open to international applicants for Master’s or Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated programs
  • Benefits: Full tuition coverage and a monthly stipend of 1,000,000 KRW for 4 regular semesters
  • Details: Master’s or Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated program applicants for the KAIST scholarship are automatically considered for the KGPS. No separate application is necessary, but only highly competitive applicants will be recommended by the department head.


KAIST Prestige Scholarship for International Ph.D. Students(KPS)

  • Departments Accepting Applications: All departments
  • Admission Periods: Spring/Fall Early/Fall Regular
  • Eligibility Requirements: Open to international applicants for Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated or Ph.D. programs
  • Benefits: Full tuition coverage and a monthly stipend of 300,000 KRW for 8 regular semesters (applicants admitted to the Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated program will receive the scholarship at the start of the Ph.D. program)
  • Details: Eligible applicants are automatically considered for the KPS. Those demonstrating outstanding academic and research achievements will receive recommendations from the department head, with final selection by the college dean.


KAIST CoE PhD Fellowship

  • Departments Accepting Applications: All departments within the College of Engineering
  • Admission Periods: Spring/Fall Early/Fall Regular
  • Eligibility Requirements: Recommendation from the applicant’s department (The recommendation process relies solely on the department’s decision and the final decision of the College of Engineering and does not involve the applicant directly.)
  • Benefits: Full tuition coverage and a monthly fellowship of 2,500,000 KRW for 4 academic years.
  • Details: Highly qualified candidates with exceptional GPAs will automatically be considered for these CoE PhD Fellowship positions. Only those applying for Master’s-Ph.D. integrated or Ph.D. programs are qualified for KAIST CoE PhD Fellowships. The fellowship pays a monthly fellowship of 2,500,000 KRW (with 50% from CoE and 50% from individual departments/professors) and is awarded for the duration of 4 years, conditioned on satisfactory progress toward degree requirements. This benefit is in addition to the tuition waivers. To receive the fellowship, recipients cannot receive other financial aid apart from the KAIST CoE PhD Fellowship and must maintain an enrolled academic status. Additionally, they must commit full-time to their laboratory.
  • Contact Information:
    o https://engineering.kaist.ac.kr/content?menu=142
    o Phone: +82-42-350-2493
    o Email: caucow@kaist.ac.kr

